Thursday 22 November 2018

Oops, I did it again!

Not singing Britney (though I have been known to do that after I've had one too many...) but I stopped tracking what I've been eating on my Facebook Page and the results haven't been pretty.  I have been pretty stressed (and I am an emotional eater) which has resulted in me eating far too much of the wrong things, and not enough of the right things.  There's nothing wrong with having a treat; indeed Treat not Cheat is one of the 2B Mindset mantras, but we should still be sticking to Water First and Veggies Most.

I have been following the 2B Mindset for nearly 2 months now and have not lost anywhere near 2lbs a week. So, with the holiday season approaching (Happy Thanksgiving for my American friends) I'm taking stock of what I have achieved. 

Other than a couple of occasions, I have not been posting my daily weigh-ins.  Weight does fluctuate daily, but the scale is a good indicator of what is going well and not-so-well.  I have plotted my weight over the past few weeks, both individually, and I have basically smoothed it out by looking at a 5-day average.
The good news is that my weight is clearly dropping.  It may not be dropping as fast as I would like, but then if I were that eager to lose weight, I would be more mindful of what I ate and more determined to always drink water first, etc.  If you have been following my tracking for the barely-two-weeks when I was writing down what I was eating, you can see that I haven't always had mostly vegetables on my plate, and have eaten too many 'silly carbs' and sugar.  So, though I am reprimanding myself, I am conscious that had I been more mindful about what I was eating, then I could have lost a lot more weight. 

So, looking at the graph, I am taking a positive that I am losing weight, I am heading in the right direction, and this is something I can do.  As Ilana says:

"Positive People, Positive Weight loss"

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