The other thing about choosing books from my kindle, is that I don't see the book cover when I choose, nor do I read the blurb. I literally choose books based on the title and whether they sound like the type of thing I fancy. And that'll be why this book wasn't anything like I imagined!

In Aldonnia, the evil of Varkadon overflows its borders. War ravages the lands…
For as long as eighteen year-old Alanna can remember she’s lived in hiding, sealed off from the outside world. Despite a future built around a steadfast rule of seclusion, Alanna dreams of the impossible. Of a life outside of her parents’ cabin. A life with more for company than just birds and woodland creatures. A life she knows deep down is impossible for someone with gifts like hers.
That all changes the day Alanna finds a man floating face down in a stream. Despite her parents’ warnings, Alanna pulls the injured man out of the water and heals him with her elemental talents. Just another good deed. Until the man wakes and Alanna realizes so much more has happened than simply a life saved. The healing she performed on the stranger bound her soul to Jerric, the prince of Aldonnia.
Alanna’s heart wants to keep the prince, but duty and destiny intervene. Alanna’s world is rocked as her parents are lost. Left in the care of family she didn’t know, Alanna learns more than she wanted to about the evil threatening the lands. There is much more behind her parents’ drive to protect. Alanna learns her gifts were bestowed in order to fulfill a greater purpose. A greater calling. One her enemies seek to destroy at all cost.
Alanna’s choice is clear. To either ignore her destiny and remain hidden, or boldly fight to keep what sings to her heart.
So, yes, this book is a romance, but it is also a fantasy book too. There are different groups of people: some, such as Alanna, can manipulate air or water, earth or fire; some are shape-shifters and can transform into an animal according to their clan; and others have different skills too.
The ongoing war is the back-drop to the plot; there are battles, injuries and death, but the author doesn't delve into the gruesomeness and horror of war, so would be suitable for younger readers too.
Given that I only read one fiction book at a time (unlike non-fiction when I always have multiple books on the go), it was addictive enough that I read all three books in the trilogy in four days. An enjoyable read and I think you'd get enjoyment if you picked it up solely for either the romance or the fantasy.
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