Friday 30 November 2018

Old 80s Films

Not just because I was born in '82, but also because my dad was quite authoritarian so if he didn't want something on TV we didn't watch it, but there seem to be loads of iconic films that people can't believe I haven't seen.  So, this year I have tried to make it my mission to watch them.

This year, I have watched Stand By MeFAME (because DD1 was in a production of FAME), Saturday Night Fever (though technically that's a 70s film), Top Gun and last night I watched An Officer and a Gentleman.  Genuinely, I have only seen these films for the first time this year, mainly in thanks to incredulous friends who have loaned me their DVDs.

Last night's film was the best so far by a long way.  For starters, I don't like films where the characters what's the point?  Even in FAME though the characters did get their Performing Arts Degree at the end of the film, it was a bit meh.
don't grow or change.  So, if the end of the film is the same as the beginning (such as in Saturday Night Fever) I think

In An Officer and a Gentleman, otoh, the main character grows, there is a romance where both parties love each other equally, there is tragedy (Was it a requirement in the 80s that someone has to die?) but overall it is a feel good film.  I didn't think it was quite as romantic as is portrayed, and at the very end when her friend shouts "Way to go, Paula!" I'm thinking wtf, Paula hasn't done/achieved anything - but that could be because I'm from a more enlightened era where women have more to offer the world than nabbing themselves a good husband?

I am slowly reading through classic books that I haven't read (I aim for one a year as generally they're fairly long or need a bit more concentration than easy reads), and will try and catch up on classic films I've never seen.  Off the top of my head there's Casablanca, Schindler's List, It's a Wonderful Life to name a few.  What classic film do you think I need to watch?

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