Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Fragrance of Crushed Violets by Cathy Bryant

This book is a Bible study about forgiveness, so we can learn about God's forgiveness of ourselves in order for us to forgive others.

The blurb says:
Forgiveness is a crucial part of the Christian faith and also a way in which we can experience strong and healthy relationships with our fellow man. Unfortunately, the truth about forgiveness--as presented in God's Word--has been somewhat tarnished by inaccurate human philosophy.

The destroyer wants us confused and hurting. The lack of forgiveness in human relationships--even those within Christian circles--is written in the scars upon human hearts, souls, and minds.

But Jesus always taught the need for forgiveness, loving others, just mercy, and justice redeemed by grace. Living by His command to forgive you can declutter your mind and heart through the removal of hatred, malice, grudges, resentment, and bitterness. You can also experience reconciliation and restoration in your relationships with others.

This Bible study guide and workbook is appropriate for either individual or small group study and includes the following:

•what forgiveness is and what it isn't
•God's role in the process of forgiveness
•what Jesus accomplished at the cross for each of us
•our mandate to forgive as we've been forgiven
•what gets in the way of forgiving others
•how to truly forgive the inexcusable

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." -Mark Twain
 This is a short book of only 72 pages, but it is filled with God's word.  There are plenty of examples given of forgiveness in the Bible and how it can apply to our lives.  At the end of each chapter there are open questions for us to reflect upon what we have read and what we can do.

The main negative I have for this book, are that the Bible verses were not explicitly written in the text.  Most of the references were only one or two verses long so easily could have been included; either in the text itself, or within an Appendix at the back of the book.  Being only 72 pages long, it would have given more substance to the book. Whilst I can see that if you were reading a paperbook, you are likely to have the Bible as a paperbook nearby, and the act of searching and looking up verses can help commit them to memory.  However, I was reading this as an e-book on my kindle.  Initially I tried leaving the book, looking up the verse in my e-Bible, then going back to this book to find the next verse, but it was just so clunky that I gave up.  It meant that I just skimmed past all the verses that presumably would have spoken to me and taught me something. If this isn't in the next version of the paperbook, please can it be included in the next version of the e-book.

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