it was Groundhog Day (February 2nd) – a date when if a groundhog emerges from it's burrow and sees its shadow then winter will last another 6 weeks, otherwise spring arrive early. In
the UK, it’s not something I’d heard of until I saw the film
Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray. In the film, a TV weatherman repeats the same day, over and over, until he falls in love with Andie MacDowell’s character, and crucially, she falls in love with him

this past week, I have gained weight. Who would have known that, by
not doing shopping for fresh veg, I would opt for takeaways and
convenience food, rather than cooking “freezer surprise” because
I don’t know what I’m eating? It’s not as if I’ve already
written a blog post, after having made this mistake in the past… is
it? Here, or here, or even here...
I’m going to aim to maintain this week. I still need to do a food
shop; that will have to be arranged for tomorrow. This week is also
peppered with dance exams, so lots of it I’m out and about, there
will be convenience food, and DD2 especially wants a cake for each
exam. At this point I time, do I honestly think I can resist not
having a cake with her, for each exam? I’m firmly in self-sabotage
mood in the moment. My house is a state, I feel like I’m too busy
atm, too much running in my head to even think about what food I
could and should be eating. So, maintain is the aim of the game. I
will try and make good choices where I can, and not worry too much
about the times where I can’t. If I make a mistake, it doesn’t
have to ruin the whole day, or the week, or even say “the diet has
failed”. It was a mistake in one moment, learn and move on.
just have to learn, how to learn….
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