Monday 28 January 2019

Weekly Update No4

This week I aimed to lose 0.5kg.

I haven't managed it.  It was my own fault, not only because I'm the one who controls what I put into my mouth or how much I move, but also because I hadn't done the shopping this week.  Usually, I meal plan, then buy what is needed so that I can prepare healthy, satisfying meals.  This week, however, I couldn't be bothered.  The mental load was too much for me, and I simply didn't want the responsibility.
So, I didn't.

And neither did anyone else.  Cue a week of spending too much money because we had to buy convenience food for every meal, plus a week of very unhealthy food because a lot of it was fast food, or takeaways, or generally prepackaged food with too much salt or sugar.

So, yesterday I spent a couple of hours planning what we're going to eat - determining whether I have time cook in the evening, or if I need to use the slow cooker because I'm chauffeuring the girls around (and whether I have time in the morning to put it on in amongst our home ed commitments), or whether the girls need a packed tea because they're out or evening, or whether we need something that I can simply empty out of packaging and reheat, or whether I have time to prep food in advance, to make meal times easier.  And after all that, I then spent another hour ordering food online to be delivered this morning.

And this morning, the food will arrive. As there is no Science Club today, I will hopefully have time to prep the meals that I need to; prep salads so I can have healthy lunches or snacks.
With a kitchen full of healthy foods, I know I will do better.

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