Back to being busy, means it is harder to get time at home to exercise. Today, both my girls are ill, so I will be able to fit it in today, as I've had to cancel all their HE groups and my tutoring. Neither girl is eating very much atm, they both have a bit of a fever, feeling sick and are very lethargic. I should have known something was wrong on Saturday, when my elder daughter came home from her theatre class and fell asleep on the sofa!
I still am not back in the habit of using my slow cooker. It doesn't help that since Christmas, I've had loads of food piled on top/next to it (like crackers for cheese, etc) that don't fit in our cupboards. We don't have much cupboard space at the best of time, so when we have extra food around, everything just overflows everywhere. I would like to get the kitchen redone, but I don't see the point if there's not going to be any more cupboard space, as the area to work in is so small. My husband mentioned yesterday about the possibility of having the whole downstairs redone, to have an open plan kitchen/livingroom area. Apart from the money issue (ie we have none), I'm not against that idea, but it seems quite daunting, and I'd have to study lots of plans before we agreed to anything - and I'm not sure how many people would b willing to draw up plans in the detail I'd like to see for free, before we commit to anything. It's not helped by a friend having renovation work, only for her builders to try and charge nearly double the agreed quote, and then walking out leaving it unfinished.

Back to my weightloss plan, though. This week, I would like to try and lose 1kg. I am drinking plenty of water, but I do need to up my veg intake again, as it's too easy when tired, to reheat frozen beige food. Looking over this blog, I found this post where I said I would do some stretches every day. Well, that fell by the wayside... but if I can't
fit in 30min of body groove, then doing a few dynamic stretches in the morning will help tone my body a little - at the very least, it's better than doing nothing.
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