Tuesday 29 January 2019

Bright and Quirky Summit 2019

A friend recommended the Bright and Quirky Summit 2019 to be because, in short, that phrase accurately describes DD1.  It is free to join, and consists of 7 days of 4-5 lectures per day (each one 30-60 minutes); and started yesterday at 3pm GMT (which I think is 7am PST or 10am EST for those in the US). Each day's worth of talks are available for 24hours; or you can pay to have an all access pass which gives you access to the talks for longer.

Day 1: Understand your Uniquely Wired Child
Day 2: Managing Emotional Intensity, Meltdowns and Behaviour
Day 3: Navigating School and Learning Challenges
Day 4: Managing Social Challenges and Building Community
Day 5: Increasing Focus, Motivation and Executive Function
Day 6: Calming Stress, Anxiety and Perfectionism
Day 7: Parenting Complex Bright and Quirky Kids

I haven't watched all the videos from Day 1 yet, but because there were technical difficulties yesterday, Day 1 is accessible for a further 24hours.  I am currently listening to Day 2's talk by Ross Greene, and already he has said something great, that I figure I should do an extra blog post today, so that other people can benefit from the conference.

Paraphrased, Ross Greene said "consequences don't solve the problem, they only modify the behaviour that is being caused by the problem". Wow, interesting!  Definitely something to mull over!

And Laura Markham said [after demonstrating a parent shouting back]: "you're escalating the upset, and your child is not learning self regulation".  Ooops - Guilty!

So, if you think your child can be described by Bright, or Quirky, or both(!) then I think it'll be worth your time listening to some of the talks this week.

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