The past few nights, I've not been sleeping well. My husband still has a bad back, and slept on the sofa-bed, because it is more firm than our mattress. I thought this might give me the opportunity for undisturbed sleep, but no. Firstly, DD1 came into my room at 2:30am crying because of growing pains. I suffered with growing pains when I was young, so I fully sympathise. Then I had 2 very vivid dreams.
For the first one, I have to explain a bit of background, and it may be wise to not be eating if you

It's a couple of hours after I woke up, so I cannot remember the dreams exactly, but I can remember the bits that woke me up.
In the first dream, we were afflicted by a sort of plague - ants crawling all over us and our things.
The room had a few beds in, and mine was by the window. I had discovered that if you managed to brush all the ants off your leg, for example, you could apply a cream which would discourage them from returning for a while. I managed to get to the point where I had no ants on me, or my bed - until someone who was covered with them, came and sat on my bed, and they returned on me. So I had to start scraping the ants off my legs again, and simultaneously had to convince the others in the room to do the same. It would only be when the whole room was free of ants, could be we sure that they wouldn't return.
In the second dream, there were two of us who were some kind of time travellers. We had a mission
to do, and we'd return to the present either through some technological way, or by us both being asleep at the same time, when we'd be teleported to the spot from which we left to go to the past. So, in my dream, I couldn't find the other person, so decided to come home to he present. Hours later, I
woke up freezing cold, to discover I was no longer in bed, but had woken up from the teleportation point. The other person had clearly just fallen asleep, and our automatic return had kicked in. It turned out that he was being chased, as somebody had found out we were from the future, but that person was also from the future and wanted to stop our mission. He had forced himself to stay awake and in hiding, to prevent that other person from following and finding out where we lived. We walked back home, and were staying in halls of residence or an old building. As we got there, a mysterious man with a moustache started cleaning and vacuuming. That seemed a bit odd, but since it was early morning, I informed him of the rules regarding noise, and unplugged the vacuum. Moustache Man didn't seem too happy about it, but we left and continued walking to our rooms. It was then, that my partner remember he had seem Moustache Man before - in the past. So we tried to walk/run as fast as we could to our rooms, making sure we weren't being followed, and double locked the doors. We heard Moustache Man approach the door, and he started fiddling with the lock, presumably to pick it from the outside. We hid ourselves in the apartment as best we could, waiting.
And then I woke up.
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