...weird, that is, not funny haha. Though I am laughing about it all. Luckily I'm in a good place mentally, so I
can laugh about it; otherwise I fear what it would have done to my mental health.
In this blog I have posted much about my life, on lots of different topics. I know I swerve from 'the norm' on some things - I'm a Christian, I home educate, I consider myself a naturist, and most recently I voted against the winners of the general election. Within this blog, though I generally use it for book reviews and for tracking my failure to lose weight, I have posted the occasional more controversial topic. Yet, it is a post that I thought was pretty middle of the road that has caused a bigger reaction than I expected!

I posted this directly on
my Facebook Page in response to the result of the election. I admit that my tongue was in my cheek when I suggested that the electorate were stupid, selfish or both, but did use the qualifier 'may' and pointed out that it's an opinion not a fact.
The rest of the post, however, was talking about how to help people in the coming days, months and years because I think a Tory government is not good for society, and does not have people's (especially poor people's) best interests at heart.
Finally, as I get prompted by FB on every post I write, I thought this may be a relevant one to actually add a donate button to. I don't know you, I am not telling you you must donate, I am not saying reading my blog is on the condition of donating, but is something you could choose to do should you wish. I chose
the Trussell Trust because it is an organisation that has food banks nationally around the country. I could have chosen a food bank that was local to me, but given that I know I have readers all around the country, and indeed around the world, I figured they wouldn't care about a food bank in my little town.
At time of writing, this post on FB has currently got 114 reactions (yey!), 57 comments, and 17 shares! I naively thought that if people didn't like what I had to say (though as I've said, I didn't think it was controversial) they'd just scroll past and ignore. There's so much that comes up on my FB newsfeed, that even from pages that I usually like, there is the odd post that doesn't resonate so I simply move on. If it's a page I haven't 'liked' on FB, unless there was something absolutely ridiculous and needs refuting, if I don't agree with a post I'll either scroll past or at worst, hide it from my newsfeed.
You can probably tell where I'm going with this! when I woke up Saturday morning, I was surprised to see that I had upset someone by choosing the Trussell Trust to donate to. In that thread of conversation I was repeatedly told "
you really are an idiot"; a different person said "
coming to your page with insults, you started your diatribe with the very same insults, because you and millions of other moaners lost an election." though in an interesting twist these two people then started arguing with each other. Other comments, in response to my post: "
Accept the result and stop preaching to the rest of us. You come across narrow minded, judgemental and bigoted." being a Christian, I've sat in my fair share of sermons, and reckon I could preach with the best of them; this wasn't it. Here I was just trying to suggest that people are kind to each other - clearly I failed! Finally (again, at point of writing), I'm told "
You are stupid and selfish." Not one to normally boast, but having a Masters degree in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford (and I do have friends who read this blog, who were at uni with me - I'm not lying), I can categorically say I am
not stupid. I may not understand some things, or may lack knowledge in certain areas, but I hold my hands up and am honest if that is the case. Similarly, I don't think I'm selfish [often. I think everyone, including me, is selfish at times. I try my best to override that part of myself, and with God's help, I can manage it sometimes], nor do I think it selfish of me to say that we should be kind and love one another. Surely that's common sense and part of being a good person?
Oh well, you live and learn. People are funny weird, and I can laugh at it all.
Edited to add some more comments:
Very funny! Begging for our money to line your own pocket, just like many others! Try working for your money like we do! As much as I wish I was paid for writing my opinions, I'm not, so receive all this abuse for free.
if you want people to be kind how about giving it a go your self! In reaction to not understanding the words 'may' or 'just an opinion'.
Your post insults a lot of hard working, decent people Other than a tongue in cheek comment, that already has been clarified, I fail to see where I have insulted people, but suggesting a few things.
Oh well, you can't please everyone!