I got up early[er than usual], weighed myself for the first time in yonks and am the heaviest I've been for even longer. In a bid to stop me having cravings and eating crap later on, I have had 50g of porridge oats with water (185kCals) and have started tracking what I'm consuming again. I've got a different book to the 2B mindset one, but it still records the same information, plus how you're feeling on that day. As I'm not recording 3 things I'm grateful for atm, I hope I can add that into the same book, even if I decide to copy it up later.
For now, I will track how many calories I'm eating though it's not something I want to do long-term. Counting calories has worked for my husband, who in the space of a few months has gone from being the same weight to me, to as skinny as he was when we first met. I doubt my transformation with be that quick (not least because I don't want to start running 10+Ks every weekend!), but I can use calorie counting as a tool, to hopefully stop me eating that extra snack or two when confronted with how much energy it contains, that my body will efficiently store as extra fat.
I may start watching the 2B Mindset videos again. At the weekend, I was talking to a friend about her weightloss, and though she used a different program, the essence was very similar to 2B Mindset. I felt a bit awkward because I knew everything she was telling me, and I believe everything she was telling me, I just am not putting it into practice.
I am going to start (again, again) doing my Body Groove videos. I have scheduled in my diary alternate Friday mornings to do it with a friend, and if she can't make that time, or the weeks where I'm busy, I will try and do at least half an hour at a different time in the week. Yes, I know I should be aiming at 30min exercise per day, rather than per week, but I really am that busy. The time I am at home, I am either tutoring other people's kids, HEing my own, doing housework (ish), or sleeping. I do have some other bits of time, and am now endeavouring to use them more wisely.
And another friend has suggested I sign up for DiabeticsUK Swim 22 challenge: Swimming the width of the Channel (22miles) in 12 weeks, in your local pool. I have said I would like to join her doing it, but I'd do the smaller 11mile challenge, as even that will be hard for me. Once upon a time, I used to be a good swimmer and was in a swimming club. Now, however, I don't have the stamina, and I would have to do a mile/week in the pool just for the smaller challenge. If I can't find the time to do 30min BodyGroove each week, it will be more of a challenge to find 1.5hr+ to go swimming (once you've taken account of travelling to/from the pool and changing), not to mention, finding someone to watch DD2 if it's on a weekday. That said, I do enjoy swimming, and I would like to do this. I probably would have to buy myself some prescription goggles, if I can get up to the speeds I used to swim at, but initially swimming in my glasses should be fine. (I have an old pair that I use for swimming.)
So yes, I've woken up today and I feel motivated. I know I need to change my body, and choosing the ridiculous time of 'leading up to Christmas', at least means this is on my own terms, and I don't have the added peer pressure of New Year's Resolutions or whatever. (I don't know if you've noticed, but when under pressure, especially of the peer variety, my natural inclination is to rebel. When talking about dieting, this means self-sabotage.)
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