Usually I go by gut-feel, so sometimes I'm in the mood for romance, sometimes a thriller, sometimes fantasy, sometimes Sci-Fi; sometimes I'll want to read a classic, other times I want to read something lighter. It depends on what I have just read and what's going on in life. Now, however, with this pre-chosen list I have to hope that I've chosen well. As always, I have gone by the title and by the book cover, so though I may have an inkling of what the book is about, I am often wrong.

P - Ties that Bind by Anne Patrick
Q - Third Daughter by Susan Kaye Quinn
R - Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice
S - The Lanvin Murders by Angela M Sanders
T - Incarnation by Jason Tesar
U - [ETA: Plague 99 by Jean Ure]
V - Stronger than Magic by Melinda VanLone
W - Now, Then and Everywhen by Rysa Walker
X - [ETA: On Her Own Two Wheels by Stacy Xavier]
Y - Forged in Rage by Sean Young
Z - The Forever Man 1 by Craig Zerf
As you can see, I am missing a U and an X. Though I'm meant to be working my way through the books I have already bought, it does bug me somewhat that I'm missing just two of the letters of the alphabet. If you know any fiction authors whose last names begin with these letters, please recommend them to me. Ideally, I'd like a free book on Kindle (as the whole point of this was to not buy any more), but I'd be willing to pay a little just for completeness.
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