I'm a Christian, and whilst that means I believe Jesus is the Son of God, outside of that there are many different views, opinions and beliefs that differ, not only between different Christian denominations, but between individual Christians.
I like to use this blog to talk about things that are going on for me atm, and part of that includes talking about my faith. There are a few different things that I want to comment on atm, but because my faith is important to me, I will need to discuss what I believe. And yet, I am aware that some people will not even read what I have to say because i call myself a Christian; others will assume that because I call myself a Christian, I must believe XYZ; others yet will see that because I actually believe ABC therefore I'm not a real Christian; and I'm sure there are others besides.
In reality, I am a Christian, and I want to point people towards God, and try and explain who I think God actually is. God is much bigger than we imagine, much more loving than we imagine and much more merciful than we imagine. I'm also aware that I do have some beliefs that are different to some Christians because of denominational differences, but also I have some non-traditional beliefs. I would like to share what they are, and why I believe them, but I don't want to draw people away from God. I don't think it would, but I do fear that people could misinterpret what I stay, not least because I would openly say that this is what
I believe, not necessarily anyone else. I also don't think that people should pick and choose what bits of the Bible, for example, that they believe; and yet, if I open up about what I believe, I know I will be accused of exactly this. My only excuse is that you should pray about everything and get God to guide you, through His Holy Spirit. I don't believe the Bible contradicts what I believe (otherwise I wouldn't believe in it), and yet, the Bible is a collection of writings, different authors, different styles, different uses. Yes it is God-breathed, or God-inspired, but it is not God-dictated (other than the 10 Commandments). There is a great freedom in Christianity, but we should be wary that we create a religion around what we already believe and trying to use the Bible to justify those beliefs, rather than seeing the Bible as God's Word, shaping our faith.
Hmmmm.... that's a lot of waffle and doesn't get me closer to the solution I am trying to find. Not least because I'm trying my best to to share the topics/specific beliefs I am thinking about right now.
Basically, I want to be able to share my thoughts, my experiences, my reasons, without being attacked for those beliefs. I want to share with you my thoughts on current events, and explain why my thoughts have changed about that topic over my life. I want to share some of my non-traditional Christian beliefs, in the hope it will draw some people closer to God, who may consider the traditional belief a barrier between them and God. Yet, at the same time, I am only human. If I am wrong about those beliefs, I still trust in God; if somebody thinks they trust in God because of an errant belief, will their whole faith crumble because of me? I want to encourage discussion, debate and open communication; not heated arguments, name-calling, and twisting of words. I want to discuss what was preached in my church on a morning, and share the bits I agree with, the bits I disagree, the bits I find challenging, and the bits that are calling me to action. I want to talk about politics, and bring religion into the conversation. I want to discuss what is happening in the news around the world, and share my frustration about what some Christians are doing, or what non-Christians are doing in the name of Christianity, or my worry about the persecution that other Christians elsewhere are experiencing.
And after all that, I want to know that if I do share this type of thing, that someone, somewhere, will read it and find it useful. Yes, it's egotistical, but if I'm writing a blog I want it to be read. I am aware that my most popular posts are about the politics of home education and current legislation. To make this blog more popular, I could solely write on that topic. But though I want this blog to be popular and to take-off, I want to write about the whole of me and my life. So I write about a range of topics, knowing that some are much less popular than others, even if to me, I consider them an important part of my life.