Monday 20 May 2019

Weekly Update No20

(Yes, No19 is missing.  I did consider calling this one No19, but thought it best to stick to being aligned with the weeks.)

My weight this morning was 94.7kg, so I have put on weight over last week.  I'm not surprised, because last week the food was bountiful!  There was a buffet for each meal, so although there was a choice on the menu, you could mix and match what you wanted.

On Monday I ate too much and felt bloated.  In my head, I wanted to carb up as I knew I would be using more energy than normal. In fact, every day I more than doubled my daily step target (8K steps). But actually, I didn't need to eat that much.  So the rest of the week, I avoided extra potatoes/pasta/rice and had a main with a huge pile of salad.

Now I'm home, I'm going back to having smoothies and a proper dinner in the evening.  Tesco Man has already delivered today's shopping, so I'm looking forward to eating healthily again.

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