Firstly, being a naturist is more than being naked. For example, I still consider myself a naturist, but it's too cold to be without clothing at the moment - Brrrrr! Naturism is the enjoyment of non-sexual nudity. For me, it's simply the sensible option when hot, or when going swimming, or even when camping.
If you're hot, it's so annoying when you are somewhere where you can't remove your shirt. Blokes have it lucky in that it's generally acceptable for them to remove their shirt when hot, but the same isn't for women. So, I am a big supporter for the TopFreedom Movement.
Similarly when swimming - what is the point of putting on clothing that will only get wet and stick to your skin, leaving nothing to the imagination anyway AND you then have to do the ridiculous Towel Dance in order to get dry and changed? Or worse, look like you're trying to emulate Mr Bean?!!
Ignoring the fact that most people look better naked than squished into a swimming costume, it's easier to simply drip dry when naked, and redress quickly and efficiently.
Camping may sound strange, but you also feel warmer when naked than partially clothed, and showering when camping, again, s quick and efficient. There's no need to take a bag of clothes to the shower, trying to shower without getting your clothes nor towel wet, and then balancing on one leg in a small cubicle, trying to change without getting your clothes on the wet floor and the water from next door's shower coming underneath. Nope. Simply take a towel to the shower; shower; dry your body with said towel and then wrap it around your hair before walking back to your tent. Easy.
And that is all ignoring the sensory side of naturism - the feeling of the sun on your skin, a warm breeze, cool water etc. It helps you feel alive.

And (again, again, again) yes, there are children. Personally I think it is important that children grow up seeing real, naked people. Firstly it takes away any potential danger or compromising situation about "show me yours and I'll show you mine" or naïvely getting into a situation they can't handle out of ignorance/curiosity. Secondly, for their own mental health, it is important that children do not only see naked models or porn stars. People do come in all shapes and sizes. Some people are hairier than others. Some people are not totally symmetrical (in fact, most women's breasts are not symmetrical). There is no such thing as "normal".
But what about paedophiles? In my experience, naturists tend to be more aware and more protective of children. Obviously, everyone has to do what they are comfortable with themselves, but naturism is family-friendly and non-sexual. So for me, I allow DD1 and DD2 to stay dressed or to undress as they want. I do not allow any photographs of them when naked. And they are supervised as they would be anywhere else.
In the unlikely event that there was a paedophile at an event (obviously beaches are public so can't be controlled as well, but the police are on our side and swiftly act if there is any unwanted behaviour), Naturist Clubs and British Naturism have child protection policies and if there is inappropriate sexual behaviour (between adults) they will warn/evict/ban as appropriate, and if anything involves a child, obviously there would be an immediate ban and the police would be involved.
Isn't it illegal? No. Naturism in the UK is not illegal. In fact, in England and Wales it is LEGAL to be anywhere in public when naked, unless there are specific by-laws for that area. I would say that common sense is needed, for example walking past a school when naked may not be the most sensible idea, but being in your own home or garden, or in the countryside or on a beach, nudity is perfectly allowed.
But what about The Naked Rambler? His is a specific case, and I do have some sympathy for him, though I don't necessarily think he goes about things the right way. So, in Scotland, they interpret the law about nudity causing offense slightly differently to England and Wales, so I would not advise anyone to be naked in public in Scotland unless on a specific naturist beach/club or at a specific event. Things are changing slowly in Scotland, but it's not something I could in good conscience recommend. But he was arrested in England too! Yes, he was arrested and imprisoned for repeatedly breaking his ASBO. Just because someone has an ASBO to prevent them being out after 9pm, does not mean everybody has to stay in after 9pm. Similarly, just because someone has an ASBO preventing them being naked in public, does not mean everybody has to be clothed in public. Whether I think the ASBO preventing nudity is right (I don't) is another conversation, but the reason for his arrests were for breaking that ASBO and refusing to dress to appear in court.
But what about your faith? All the Christians I know are prudes... Let's start by repeating the fact that Naturism is non-sexual nudity. So whether a Christian would be classed by you as a 'prude' or not, has nothing to do with naturism. If you read the Bible, you can see that nudity is not demonised at all.
Genesis 1:27, 31 says "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day."
God saw naked people, and called it good! It was only after they had sinned and felt shame, that they wanted to hide away and found themselves clothes. Even throughout the rest of the Bible, there are stories of prophets walking, preaching, prophesying when nude. Nude is not Rude!
Anyone interested in finding our more about being a Christian and a Naturist, I would recommend looking at this site: Christian Naturist Fellowship. Yes, there are enough naturist Christians to have a group and a website! And yes, I have been to services when naked.
This is getting quite long, so I'll leave the story of how I became a naturist to another time...
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