Friday 12 October 2018

A Weekend Away

I'm going on my Church's weekend retreat this evening, and I'm looking forward to it.  It will be a
good chance to get to know the people from my church more, and to build up my relationship with God.  It does mean that I will be entirely offline until Monday, but a break from technology is good for us all, at times.

To prepare, I have packed my bags, baked a cake, and bought myself a sandwich for tea.  I have written my husband a detailed list of where the children have to be and when, as apparently the kitchen calendar isn't good enough!  He even has it easy, because DD2 is at a party tomorrow, rather than having to be taken to dance, then home, then dance, then home again, as I usually have to do on a Saturday.  I do the Saturday running-around, because my father-in-law is ill so my husband has to travel to Wales each weekend.  Despite our hectic lives, Friday night is usually our Date-night, because we have THREE hours where BOTH girls are in dance lessons at the same time!  It's a mini-miracle!  So, I'll be missing that tonight, as I'll drop the girls off at dance, and then head straight to the retreat.  My husband will be able to have the chance to go for a decent length of run, before having to pick the children up.

This will be a test for me, as I will have no control over what I eat.  All the meals are prepared as a group, and provided for the group.  I will have to keep in mind the principles of the 2B Mindset, and aim, at a minimum, to drink Water First and eat Veggies Most, even if I can't practice the usual way to Plate It for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  This morning I have lost weight, so over the fortnight since I started I have lost 2lbs/week - assuming I don't put on any over the weekend!  I am allowed a treat, so will have a slice of the cake I made, but will try (honest!) not to have a slice of every cake, biscuit or cookie that is on offer.

So, God Bless you, thank you for reading this blog, and I hope you have a blessed and peaceful weekend xx

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