What's new with you? Seemingly not much has happened here, though I know I've missed writing, so it is probably more to do with my memory due to getting older, than anything else; as at some point in the past little while I have had something to say.

I'm actually 'on hold' at the moment to the same call centre. I need to make asthma reviews for myself and the girls; but this new system is a nightmare. I have opted for a call-back this time, but I've no idea how long that'll take and I daren't go to the loo in case that's when they choose to return my call.
I'm still going with my 2B Mindset training course. I've had the virtual F2F session with Ilana, and am now finishing up going through the videos and the coursebook before I take the exam. Fortunately, it seems that you can take the test as many times as you need, before you pass, as long as it's within 3 months; so that's a good sign. But, I do want to complete it asap, so I don't have it hanging over my head over Christmas. Speaking of which, I finally completed last year's tax return for HMRC yesterday. Normally I like to do it in April, but I wasn't up to date, so kept putting it off and putting it off... Even though the deadline isn't until 31st January, I was still getting nervous that I wasn't doing it, so I'm glad I can feel relaxed now.
And this weekend starts yet another dance festival, so we'll be driving to Pershore and back, repeatedly, over the next week. Both girls are dancing, and it is good experience for them, even if it uses up all my time and money!
Hopefully, next time I write, I'll have something a bit better to say.
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