Monday 10 August 2020

Weekly Update Y2w32

As I mentioned the other day, my weight has been going up and down a fair bit recently.  The book that I'm reading with my friend talks about self-discipline, and I feel like I am lacking that. So, I have made a decision that I want to be below 90kg by September.  They say it is possible to lose 2lbs a week, and for me to achieve this, I need to lose 4lbs in 3 weeks, so it should be doable.  

I almost go down to that weight a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't stick.  To make things different, and try to establish good habits, I am not intending to do a crazy 3-week crash diet, get below 90kilos, and then pile all the weight back on.  Instead, I am trying to control small actions, and become more self disciplined over small things.

I am getting quite good at eating veggies most, and not eating carbs in the evening.  To help with this I have bought a couple of meal prep books, and once or twice a week, I am batch cooking, then portioning the meals off to put in the fridge.  That way, I know each meal is 300-400kcals, and even DD1 has been helping herself to some of the food, which is great, as she can be fussy at times!  Unfortunately, I haven't been taking photographs, and because I've been eating straight from the container, I haven't taken photos then either.  Next time (if I remember!) I'll take some decent photos.  I'll also do a review of the books and the containers I bought, in case they are of use to you.

You can see from the graph that though I have had some high and some low points recently, that the yellow line is starting to trend upwards, which isn't good.  I think partly because I'm looking at the whole year-so-far, I'm congratulating myself at no longer being 96kilos, whilst not making any progress to reduce my weight.  In order to own the gain, I'm going to truncate the graph again, and start from 1st of July.  From there you can see my recent highs and lows and hopefully it will be better encouragement/motivation for me to keep going.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I am 91.3kg this morning, and I'd like to lose 2kilos in the next 3-ish weeks.  I am going to keep meal prepping, keep eating veggies most, and will try to do a short walk every day.  This afternoon a friend is coming to my house so we can walk together for a few kilometers.

I have also identified where I need more help.  I am getting better at choosing healthy foods.  I am much much less good at saying no to food.  For example, on Saturday I ate a healthy lunch and my husband came home and offered my a cookie so I ate it.  I don't want to deny myself foods, as I doubt I can maintain that long term, however, what I want to try to do going forwards is postpone it.  I don't have to have a cookie because it is offered to me there and then.  I know I like something sweet in the evening, so if I save my cookie until then, I can enjoy it more knowing that I have been healthy all day.  I started trying to do this yesterday, and I said no to an ice cream - even when my daughter offered to make it for me!  Small steps, but it's a start.

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