Black Virus is a short story prequel about the virus itself...
Virus. Chaos. Survival....whereas Black Rust is set 15 years later, and is about how people deal with the aftermath.
Alienated in a world where he doesn’t fit in, Christian Black survives because he’s different. Then the virus came, and made the world turn different, too.
Now people are dying by the million. Food supplies are short. Riots are blazing through the streets, and Christian’s only goal is to keep his family alive. But safety lies far from the city, and just getting out will be tougher than anyone knows.
The virus came, and the world fell into an abyss.
Starvation camps, corporate farms, endless ghettos, and failed states darken a future where most of the population has been twisted by the disease.
To protect itself, a corrupt system pays Christian Black and others like him to exterminate violent degenerates who would destroy what's left of the world. Unfortunately, a mistake has been made and Christian has put too many of the wrong ones to death.
Laws have been broken. Punishment comes for Christian, but he will stop at nothing to keep his freedom.
Fortunately, the Brisbane Strain is nothing like the Coronavirus we're currently dealing with. Rather this is type of zombipocalypse - though those badly affected by the virus become degenerates, rather than zombies who die and come back to life.
These are two thrilling stories, and even though Christian Black is portrayed as 'different' and needing a therapist, actually he doesn't seem that different to me. He just makes hard choices and sometimes goes too far.
At the very end of Black Rust there is a twist in the plot that I didn't see coming (and I like it when I don't see them coming!). According to Amazon, the next book is due out August 2016 and to my knowledge it hasn't been written yet. If/when it does, I would happily read what happens next in the saga.