Tuesday 24 September 2019

Homemade Presents

I find they are always tricky.

Some people absolutely love them, knowing that a lot of thought and effort has gone into crafting something so personal.  Other people, however, whilst they appreciate the thought, would much rather have something that they know is made to a high(er) standard from a name they trust.  Some people understand that though the materials may be cheaper than buying ready-made, the time and effort (even if pricing yourself at minimum wage) means the final product is much more expensive than mass-produced goods.  Other people would still rather have something mass produced, with it's standard quality, than something which may have minute flaws/individuality.  Some people understand that buying the materials for hand-made items is often more expensive as you cannot get the benefits of bulk-buying raw materials, and that's before you consider labour costs.  Other people would rather you didn't waste your time making something they know they wouldn't appreciate, but simply buy something they know they want, and for less money too.

That said, for my cousin's wedding last weekend, I decided to make her and her new husband a present.  I hope they like it, as I was a bit in-the-dark about their tastes (except for Star Wars - which I know next to nothing about, as I was always more of a Star Trek girl).  But as it's a craft I enjoy, I went ahead with making something for them anyway.

Back in May, I visited the MosaiCraft Shop again, and ended up buying more than I meant to (a common occurrence these days...) but did purchase a kit to give my cousin for her wedding.  As the wedding was last weekend, I can finally talk about it and share the picture with you all!

It originally was of two swans facing each other to make a heart shape with their necks.  As this was for their wedding, I didn't want to just get something off-the-shelf, so personalised it with their names.  (The cynical part of me thinks that they can't just give it to charity now, as nobody else would want it! haha)  Not having the neatest handwriting in the world, I did use the internet to come up with a font I liked, and used that as a template for their names.  I created their names on the base plates first, and then went back to build up the swans afterwards.

I have to say, that I am pleased with the finished result.  I framed the picture, and gave it to them on Saturday, so I hope they like it. (Or at least pretend they do around me! 😉😂)

Charley and Adam, if you're reading this: Thanks for a great time at your wedding, and all the best for your future lives together. xxx

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