I started the week well, but then slipped; and slipped again; and again...
Getting distracted by all the Home Ed stuff that is going on atm certainly hasn't helped.

DD2 made baked doughnuts yesterday - cinnamon sugar ones and chocolate flavour ones. I may have had 4 more than I intended to...
So, this week I am going back to ready prepared smoothies.
I can't afford to always buy the fresh/organic ones from my local raw juice bar, so I have bought a load of different ones from the supermarket, after reading through the ingredients list of what is in them. The draw-back to this tactic, is that the bottles are not single serving sizes and different smoothies have different serving sizes - some are 150ml and some are 250ml. Also, as they're all fresh, I have to be organised and keep on top of best before and use by dates. I do have some fruit that I am going to blitz up into a home-made one, but at least having the option of ready prepared ones should hopefully put me back on the straight and narrow.
And as Easter is coming up, my girls want to make their own Easter treats, that we do every year. Homemade Hot Crossed Buns and Homemade not-Cadbury's Cream Eggs are delicious. I will have to be very disciplined to not only not lick out the bowl, but also not to eat too many once they have been made.
Wish me luck!
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