My weight is also increasing. As I'm an emotional eater, my response to this is to shovel more crap into my pie-hole. Part of me is curious whether I can actually make it to 100kg? Anther part of me wonders how high I can make my weight? And the sensible part of me tells me that's a crap idea, I need to lose weight as it is (because I need to have surgery in a couple of years, not just general health reasons), and I'm stupid for even thinking otherwise.
I'm meant to be a 2B Mentor, but I can't even sort out my own head. I wanted to do the Body Groove Facilitator Training at the end of this month, but thankfully saved my money, as I'm not even managing to do 10min dancing a day, let alone claim to be able to get others dancing. It is something I would like to do one day, maybe they're next offering it in the UK, but my head isn't there yet.
I watched Isn't it Romantic? last night: "After hitting her head, an architect who hates romantic comedies wakes up to find her unremarkable life has become a dazzling, cliché-driven rom-com". It was really enjoyable, but made me realise that I don't love myself. I don't even like myself half the time. I'm amazed I have friends at all, as I can be so clingy and melancholy at times << I'm hoping that's the depression talking, though it feels very real.
One good thing to come from this slump, is that I haven't got angry! I always thought, and it seemed to be in the past, that if I came off my ADs, then my temper would run riot. Actually, it hasn't been the case at all. I haven't argued with DD1 once this week. All my anger has turned inwards on myself, which is probably what you'd expect with standard depression. I did think about going to the chemist/doctors to try and get my medication early since I had run out, but I couldn't convince myself that I was worth it.
I have lost weight before, and I know I can do it again. But I also know that my head has to be in the right place. Previously, my weightloss was kickstarted because I had HG when pregnant, causing me to lose 3 stone in the first trimester. After that pregnancy, I lost a bit more weight, before becoming pregnant again, and managed to lose even more, so I was comfortably down to 64kilos. That is where I would like to go again. The 'diet' I used (inverted commas, because it was a lifestyle change) was based on the book Fat Burner Foods by Dr Caroline Schreeve. It was low carb, high fruit and veg, and high amount of liquids/soup throughout the day too. It showed me that I really don't have to eat very much at all, to stay full and satisfied. I seem to have lost that along the way.
A few years ago, I was making smoothies daily for breakfast or lunch, and though I didn't lose much weight, I felt much healthier and better in myself, as well as being fitter (I was exercising more then too). Right now, I have tried to pre-prepare salads and vegetables, I have bought fruit with the honest intention of eating them, but I am wasting lots of food. Not in the worst way, as I do compost, so it's not just going straight to landfill, but still a waste of food and money.
So what am I doing about it?
Spending even more money of course...

Now I have started taking my medication again, I hope that this increase in nutrition will kick-start my body into behaving and give me more energy, and help me make the needed steps in the right direction.
Edited to add: I wrote this yesterday and took an AD when I received them in the afternoon. In the evening, my husband commented how much happier I'd seemed. It's kinda scary (but good!) how fast/much they affect me.
Last night I even slept well, not waking up until this morning!
You definitely do have friends and you definitely deserve them (to be honest, you probably deserve better ones, I for one have been a bit too preoccupied with my own shit of late!). I'm glad the AD have worked quickly and that you slept. That is so important. Take each day one day at a time. It does get better.
ReplyDeleteThank you xx
Deleteam doing Overeaters Anon to sort out my binge eating/emotional eating and addressing some of my issues (with other co morbid things) in therapy but even with that i have a bad patch again with weight and it creeping up. this is tempting me to go other way and want to starve and purge again but i know that didn't work before. i have my OA sponsor to take me to task (in a nice way) if i do abuse food in any way. i think without that accountability i would be sunk. would have given up long ago....but regardless of sponsor i know i have to do the work. food has been my crutch (or one of them|) my whole life....urghhh
ReplyDeleteam glad the meds are having an effect for you too- sometimes they can take ages to kick in... many hugs and prayers for you. i know how hard it is <3