I'm a bit delayed with my usual update. Life has suddenly got really busy - in a good way, but busy nonetheless.
I'm still tutoring atm, though that will end next week, as I've decided to take the whole of August off. We've not got any plans to go anywhere (yet) but have lots of other projects to do and catch up on.
I'm still doing my MosaiCraft project. I am now over halfway (currently on base plate 18 out of 30), but it has slowed down a lot, because I'm not sat outside as much as I was at the start of lockdown. Instead, I am spending much of my time on m computer, not blogging, but working on my new project. I am trying to spend a few hours each day on it, at least. It is going very slowly though, not least because I am doing it all myself. I've set myself a deadline of Christmas to have it finished, but I have no idea if that is realistic or not?
Similarly, I am not reading as much as I was. I am still several books ahead of my GoodReads yearly challenge, and I have a book that I am still yet to review, but I feel like I am spending more and more time on my laptop - much to the chagrin of DD2 who always wants my laptop to play Minecraft!
I'm also still singing with The Collective Virtual Choir. I'm on my third song with them, but even that has taken a bit of a backseat, and I've been unable to go as many rehearsals as I would like. Many are being recorded, so I can catch up, but that still requires time to actually watch them. Today/tonight is the deadline for recording song 3 for feedback, and I still haven't had time to have a go yet, I just hope that when I do, the background noise is quiet enough for the recording to be acceptable.
So, that's all my excuses out of the way. This past week hasn't been great in all honesty, but focusing on the positives, my weight today (which will be counted as part of next week's update) has finally got below 91kilos - again. It's almost like to consistently lose weight, I need to reduce the takeaways, reduce the alcohol and up the exercise - who knew??!!

There is still the overall trend downwards from the start of the year, and even my localised peaks are reducing, but I have more work to do.
This week, I have been able to keep drinking Water First, and am hitting my water target of 90 fl oz (2.5litres) each day. Yes, it does mean that I need the loo lots, but I notice the effect on my body when I
don't drink enough, so I'm happy to continue.
I'm also getting back into the habit of eating Veggies Most. Some examples from this week have included aubergine crisps, meatballs on courgetti spaghetti, and roast turkey with potato salad on a bed of courgettes. Aiming to eat over half of my meals to be vegetables has been a challenge at times, especially lunchtimes because it's all too easy to make a sandwich or have a bowl of cereal, but yesterday I had an omelette stuffed with mushrooms and spinach, which was delicious, so I need to keep reminding myself that it is possible to eat Veggie Most meals that don't take ages to prepare or cook.
I have had some good news (ish). For the surgery I want (my reason for losing weight - click on the Mastectomy label in the word cloud to the right), rather than getting down to a BMI below 25, which I thought, depending on the surgeon I may only need to get down to below 28 or even 30! In real terms, that's still shitloads of weight I need to lose, but slightly less than I thought.
Edit to add:
I totally forgot to mention that over the summer we're changing our house around and redecorating. DD1 has decided that her box room is too small for her (which tbf it totally is) so is moving up to the Play Room. The Play Room is a total misnomer - it's really the Kids' Junk Room. I avoid going up there as much as possible as it's not good for my stress levels. However, as she wants that to be her room, I'm having to go up there to tidy up all the crap toys, that the girls haven't played with for years and years. As DD2 still plays with these toys on the rarest of occasions, she wants many of them moved into her room, which means that the big 4x4 Ikea bookcase will need to be moved into DD2's room.
Additionally, as DD2's room has never been decorated since we moved in 5 years ago, we're taking the opportunity to redecorate - which has involved me spending 2 full days tidying her room too, in order to get the floor empty enough that we can redecorate. Obviously, it will be easier to redecorate before moving a giant bookcase in there.
And because DD1's new room was the playroom, the carpet is what was in the room when we moved it, and not only was it bad then, it is covered with paint and other stains, so she needs new flooring before she can move in.
DD1's old room, is going to become MY room - yey! It is going to have a comfy sofa bed that guests can use, but I can read on, and a desk and chair so tht I can work in there, rather than on the dining table as I am atm. Given I'd quite like to keep tutoring online, it will be a nice quiet room free of distraction, and NOBODY ELSE will be allowed in. Ever! My own space, that I can use to get away from everyone - yes!
So I'm still busy.