Monday 12 August 2019

Weekly Update No32

I did put on weight on holiday - about half a stone.  But the holiday was really good, and I didn't eat ridiculously, just spent a lot of time laying down reading.  Even when in the pool, apart from when I was taking part in 'Aquagym', the pool was too crowded to do any swimming, and my girls just wanted to play and splash about.

I have lost weight since I returned last Wednesday, however that was because of two unfortunate incidents.
Firstly, on the Thursday, I was struck down with a 24hour tummy bug - actually, both the girls were ill as well as me - so I didn't eat anything for that day, other than drinking plenty of water and I ate some toast when I was finally starting to even contemplate food again.
Then, yesterday, I was struck by crippling stomach pain again. About lunchtime, despite not having eaten anything, I became 'aware' of my stomach. My husband suggested it might be because I was hungry. We went out for lunch and I ate a delicious salad, but couldn't finish it, as my stomach was hurting.  All afternoon I was uncomfortable and the pain was getting worse.  By bed-time I took some paracetamol, but couldn't sleep because of the pain and discomfort.  I saw 2am come and go before I finally managed to get some rest. After the previous occurrence in April, I did make an appointment with the doctor.  He agreed with my assessment that it was likely to be either gallstones or a stomach ulcer, and he referred to to have an ultrasound.  If that came up clear, I would need to be referred for an endoscopy.  The ultrasound was clear, so it's unlikely to be gallstones, but I've yet been unable to get to see a GP to be get the next referral.I have even tried getting a phone appointment and been unsuccessful.  I thought (naively hoped) that maybe the pain would miraculously have stopped, so I didn't pursue it as much as I could have, but then last night the pain returned. Ouch.

Looking on the positive side, I have lost most of the weight I had put on over the holiday.
I feel like I can't plan meals too far ahead because we might be going camping next week.  We often go to the same place at the end of August, but we haven't booked yet.  I do have smoothies in the fridge, so will get back to drinking those, and try to only drink a portion at a time, rather than a whole bottle...

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