If you’re at home,
sans kids, and want to watch something on TV, but not long enough for
a film, what do you choose?
I think this is my
geekiness at play, but atm I’m recording (yes, recording because
I’m usually out when it’s on TV) Air Crash Investigation and
Engineering Disasters, both on in the middle of the day on Blaze.
Similarly, if there are programs on Extreme Weather or Natural
Disasters, I’ll be watching.
I find it
fascinating the things that can go wrong, especially things we take
for granted. How technology advances, often due to accidents in the
past (though the recent series of each include disasters as recently
as 2014), to make things safer for all.

Even when I was
younger, I found programs like these to be interesting and wanted to
go into it for a career. I have a Masters in Engineering Science,
have worked on a building site in Construction, worked in the
Aerospace industry and worked for a Semi-conductor Manufacturer, so I
do have some knowledge behind my interest, even if my career path has
since taken a different direction.
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