So, since passing the 2B Mindset Mentor Certification last night, I've been having some crazy thoughts.
I would like to help other people, and preferably make money doing it. However, I'm not sure I want to
become a Beachbody Coach. Whilst I would like to get commission for selling the 2B Mindset, from what I've read, in order to make money as a Beachbody Coach you have to sell a lot of products, not least because you have to pay to be able to call yourself a Beachbody Coach. Doing the 2B Mindset, I like the fact that
anyone can do it, and you don't need any specific equipment (except purchasing the videos in the first instance, and a set of scales to monitor your progress) nor any supplements. One such supplement is Shakeology, and I know people who absolutely love it, so have no qualms promoting and selling it. That's not me, however. If people want to have shakes every day and it suits your lifestyle, great. But, I don't want to feel that I have to flog endless amounts of something I don't use (I prefer to make a green smoothie from scratch) in order to make a profit. Not only that, in order to progress through the ranks, you need to recruit people to become coaches themselves, and again, that doesn't sit well with my personality.

As I'm now qualified, I can join the
Master Team, which does cost a nominal amount, but I don't know what it involves? If I can make money through it without being a Beachbody Coach, then it's probably worth it for me. However, if all the Tips, Support and Community are specifically for building up the 2B aspect of being a Beachbody Coach, then I don't think I want it.

Now, this is where my thinking is starting to go a bit silly...
Another Health/Wellbeing/Fitness thing I really like is
Body Groove and
The World Groove Movement. Personally, I love dancing. I like how I feel when I've been dancing; whether that be in a
Ceroc Class (which I love, but am not particularly good at), in a club/party or even just dancing
round my living room in my slipper-socks. I've been following Misty Tripoli on Facebook for a few years now, and it's something that I think fits really well with the 2B Mindset of positivity towards our health and our bodies.
There is
training coming to the UK in March! I don't know if I'm going through a mid-life crisis atm (though of course, I'm
not yet middle aged), or if I have more confidence after recently starting an Adult Musical Theatre class, or if I'm finally at the age where I don't give a fuck anymore and want to do what I want, but I'm really
really really really tempted to sign up for it. It's "only" $500, and as it's in London I'll have to pay for transport and a hotel for that weekend.
Ahem, I'm not made of money! And I haven't yet discussed it with my husband, either...
Again, it's one of those things that if I become qualified I'll have to pay annually to be able to use the Groove trademark etc, but is a similar cost to the 2B costs so not too bad. I've done a basic cost outline, and if I can hire the dance studio my girls go to (which do hire them out for fitness classes) and charge £7 per hour session, for 42 weeks of the year (roughly term-time), then I only need 4 people to come each week to make a profit [excluding the initial training costs]. That also excludes insurance, which I haven't considered at all yet. But 4 people a week, doesn't seem impossible. And whilst I don't necessarily feel comfortable dancing in front of loads of people, in this situation everyone is in their own zone, rather than watching/copying each other, so I'd only have to shout out various instructions (and join in), rather than teaching a set routine with all eyes on me.
I think it's do-able, but I don't know if I'm crazy?