Thursday, 19 March 2020

Homeschooling through Isolation

Yesterday the government announced all schools would be closing on Friday afternoon.  We had already received an email from the school which recommends DD1 continues to follow the school day whilst at home:
"Encourage your child to follow as normal a ‘school day’ routine as possible. They should aim to stick to their normal timetable. This would include learning sessions of 50 minutes as follows: 
Take a break
Break for lunch
13:10-13:30 – Reading time

Now, you may be thinking that having home educated both my girls, sticking to a timetable like this would be easy for me - WRONG!  There is a reason why we are home educators, not home schoolers!  Already DD1 has commented "yeah right, like that's gonna happen"!

The scientist in me wants to see if the oft repeated (even by me) fact is true: Following a teacher's plan (or in this case, work set by school), you can complete it all in 2 hours a day.  Indeed, I've even shared Monkey Mum's calculation in a previous blog.  Given DD1 has already shown her reluctance to follow a timetable at home, I will try and encourage her to get all the school work out the way in the morning.  Given DD1 is a preteen with the attitude of a teen, and has inherited being stubborn and a know-it-all from me, this will be a difficult task for me.

Now some people, especially those who are used to the routine of school, will do well with structure, so I'm not suggesting you chuck it out the window immediately.  Schools still need to deliver the education, and schools should be detailing how they will do that, whether by online tasks, or online videos, sending books home or by other means.  Parents shouldn't feel like they are suddenly responsible for their child's education (though legally that responsibility has never left them, even if they outsource the education to a school).

Perhaps start with the structure and routine, but don't panic if it goes by the wayside.  Such strict timetables are really good when you need to control 30 kids at once, teaching them different subjects at different times.  With this homeschooling malarkey (again, for clarity, I'm using "homeschooling" to mean following a curriculum at home, in this case provided by the school, whereas "home education" is what I did with my girls), you'll only have a few kids at home, so can be much freer.  The caveat to that is if you have limited resources at home, for example, you only have one computer/laptop, but 3 kids who all have online work to do for school.  In this scenario, it makes sense to have a timetable where each child can get their work done online for a time.  And this scenario also shows how silly it would be for you to follow the school's timetable and need to have each child online for the whole day at the same time.

Take the chance to do things that you wouldn't normally do, too.  If both parents are having to work at home (again, this can limit internet time if there's only one device!) this may be harder, but try and enjoy your time together as a family.  Imagine you are on holiday, so play board games or card games together, or watch a movie during the day.  Do some cooking or baking, encouraging your children to get involved. If you can, use technology to limit the isolation you feel, by allowing your children to play online together with friends so they don't feel so alone.  Go into the garden and sow seeds or make up planters, in the hope of getting fruit and veg in the warmer weather.  And even being stuck in the home/garden there are exercises you can do: Body Groove7 min Workout, and lots of content on YouTube for various yoga, Pilates and other exercise routines.

This last paragraph (above) is more what home education is like.  It is about following your child's needs, interests, rhythms and natural curiosity as they navigate the world around them.  (In reality, home education rarely stays at home, and we are going to feel as stir-crazy as the next person without our usual science classes, social meets, Minecraft club, Lego Robotics club, dance classes, gymnastics classes, singing classes etc.)  However, I am hopeful that through this crisis, some people who had been curious or leaning towards home ed, may feel a bit braver and actually take that step, in which case have a read to see what you should be thinking about first.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Having an Adventure

That's how I feel at the moment.  Like a kind of excitement that I don't know what's going to happen, but everyone is in it together.

I see many people anxious about the coronavirus: randoms, friends and my own family.  Whereas, I'm not worried.  Genuinely.  I'm not saying there's nothing to worry about or that it's not that bad, I'm just saying I'm not worried.

I think this is how my mind works - when I'm not in control of something, my mind kinda goes "oh well, no point worrying then".  (If it's something I could or should have control over, and I don't, that's when my mind goes into panic mode.)

I have not liked this limbo that we have been living in recently.  I would have preferred it if things had gone into lock-down sooner, so at least everyone knows where they stand.  Supermarkets should have put rationing in place earlier, schools should have closed, and everything should have come down from the government so people can claim on their insurance etc.

But I have been looking forward to a slower pace of life.  Having DD1 home from school and DH home from work.  Not going out.  Having time at home to cook proper food.  Maybe get on with the jobs around the house that we're always too busy to do.

Now schools have finally announced they'll be closing on Friday, I do feel like I can start to get organised.  I'm not tutoring out of the house any more, offering online tuition instead.  The singing school and dance schools we go to will be offering online videos for classes.  DD1's school have already given a list of websites and other resources to use. What will be strange for us, is that the school have recommended she keep to her usual timetable - we don't do timetables in this house! lol

But, overall, it will be an adventure, for everyone.

I pray that the panic buying finally stops, so those who need supplies can get them.  The elderly, disabled, the vulnerable, single parents, people with illnesses etc.  Not everyone can buy in bulk.  Not everyone can order online.
I also pray for everyone suffering with anxiety.  There is so much sensationalism in the media. There are too many conspiracy theories going around.  There's too much false information about.

We can get through this.  We just need to be kind and considerate and look after those around us.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Weekly Update Y2w11

Forgot to do this yesterday, in amongst all the hype and rapidly changing instructions regarding coronavirus.  You'll be unsurprised to know that I'm still fat.  My weight has levelled off this week, but unfortunately it has done so at the top of a peak, rather than after a period of weight loss.

Due to being stuck inside at various times, my girls have wanted to do baking and decorating.
Due to my lack of willpower, I have been eating everything they've been offering me.
I'd like to say that I will do better this week, but I don't have the mental energy right now for blatant lies.

Friday, 13 March 2020


Everyone seems to be having their say, so now it's my turn.

Firstly, please stop panic buying.  Really.  You don't need that much loo roll, and you're being a selfish twat* because other people can't afford (whether time, money or physical energy) to bulk buy so are being left with nowt.

Same goes for paracetamol.  There are people who have various conditions that are manageable with pain relief, yet they are reduced to being in agony, not being able to maintain their living standards because shelves are stripped bare of basic paracetamol; not to mention the fact that there may be other circumstances why these people cannot 'simply' take other pain relief (pregnancy, asthma or other conditions).  Fever is a natural response to infection, so unless it is a very high temperature or accompanied by aches and pains, it is often best to allow the fever to run its course.

And the same goes for sanitizer and hand soap.  Everyone should wash their hands anyway, after going to the loo, before cooking and eating, after playing with pets or in the garden.  Yes, it is recommended that people wash their hands even more often, so the sales of hand-wash might be in slightly higher demand that usual, but currently it is ridiculous.

And the same goes (unsurprisingly) for dried and tinned foods.  Yes, some people are having to self isolate, but as it currently stands, the government has not required this on a large scale (see my thoughts on that below). As such there is currently no need to start stocking up, because all you are doing is impacting other people.  As I said before, there are people who cannot bulk buy.  Whether they go shopping once a week, or only buy a basket-full more often, if there is nothing on the shelves, these people are not going to eat.  And by 'these people' I am thinking primarily of the elderly or people on benefits who may have no alternative but to shop in this manner.  For most of us, and I assume everyone reading this blog, we do have alternative options.  We can buy online and get food delivered to our door.  Other people may not be comfortable with this technology, may not afford to have internet in their home or on their phone, or may not even have a card to enable them do online transactions.

A knock-on effect of this, is that food banks are running out of food and various supplies.  They are not on the shelves of the shops, so when these items are available, people are keeping them all for themselves, or not buying surplus (in the hope of reducing the affect of the panic buying and leaving enough for the next person).  I know I'm guilty of not donating to food banks recently, and I suspect I'm not the only one.

*Apologies to female genitalia - genitalia = good, selfish idiots = bad.

Secondly, it's not just the flu.
It is true that for most people, it will be an annoying infection from which you'll recover and life will go on.  However, for many people with underlying conditions it can be a lot worse.  I'm not going to expand and make you think I'm a medical expect - it's just common sense that people who have lowered immune systems or already have respiratory conditions will be affected by such a virus more.

For anyone interested in learning more about Covid19, FutureLearn are offering this free online course: Click Here

Then there's the impact it will have on all hospitals and other medical environments.  Not only is there the obvious effects (the more people who get the coronavirus, the small percentage of people who need to be hospitalised will increase, so can overwhelm ICUs), but there will be other people, who don't have the virus, who will need to be admitted to ICU, so there won't be enough beds.

There are people with various conditions who need to use hospitals, even if they don't need to be admitted, so lots of 'routine' appointments, testing, monitoring, and surgeries will need to be cancelled. I, for one, have not been called for my annual mammogram and MRI scan that I have to check for breast cancer at this time each year. Then there's the staff themselves, who not only put themselves at risk by being in an environment where there may be multiple people with symptoms, but if they too are self isolating, there will be less staff in our hospitals, so is a vicious cycle.

Once hospitals are overwhelmed, who will be considered eligible for treatment?  What if you're over a certain age? What if you are disabled or have other conditions? What if you don't have children? What if you're an alcoholic or drug addict? What if you smoke? What if you're overweight? What if you can't afford to pay privately?  Who gets to make these decisions?

So should we all be panicking?

No, but it is likely to have a big impact an some people, and because we should be caring for other people in our society, we should be thinking about the impact our actions will have on others.

The government recently updated their guidance here. I've heard a mixed response to this; some people suggesting it doesn't go far enough, whilst others thinking it's totally fine.  (I haven't heard anyone suggesting that it goes too far.)  My gut-feel is that it probably doesn't go far enough.

I know some people will be put out if things were shut down, not least self-employed people like myself who won't qualify for any benefits or SSP, but we need to learn from other countries.  It's very easy to think "oh, it's the other side of the world" "it's a different culture" etc, then it came to Italy, but "they didn't know what they were doing" and "we're learning from their mistakes".  The main thing that has come from the government, to me, is a sense that they don't want to do anything out of fear for their reputation, rather than erring on the side of caution/protecting people's lives, even if it proves to be too cautious.

This article has a sensationalist title, but does seem to be well researched and makes sense to my "Joe Public" understanding of events.

I know in my town in the UK, that we have currently 2 confirmed cases.  Allegedly, there are actually around 50 cases currently in our hospital, but that the hospital has been told from above that they are not allowed to test anyone unless they have travelled to certain locations.  Now the government have said that if you think you have symptoms you should self isolate and only call NHS111 if you are particularly worried or your symptoms are severe; as such the real number of people who have the virus will be much larger than current numbers (and therefore predictions based on these numbers) will suggest.

Another concern I have (because like must the population, I'm more selfishly concerned about how my future plans will be impacted because of shut-downs etc, rather than concern about contracting the virus itself) is surrounding insurance.  I don't fully understand it (partly because I haven't actually looked into it) but I've heard on the grape-vine, that if people choose to not attend events, then they cannot be reimbursed (which I do understand), if the events/venues get cancelled then people will be reimbursed (fair enough), but if the government implements a national shut-down, and events get cancelled because of that, then insurance is no longer valid so people will not be reimbursed.  As I said, I may have got that wrong, or not understood it, but that position seems inherently unfair.

And what about all bills that need to be paid during the shut-down period?  Generally I'm someone who if something happens that I have no control over, I will take it as it comes and treat the situation as an adventure, so the idea of being shut at home, doesn't actually bother me that much, assuming I can still get food delivered to me (because I am privileged in that way).  If we had to live on SSP for the duration of the shut down, if other bills were put on hold (and preferably without interest accumulating), we'd be ok.  If bills were not put on hold, things would be very tight for us.  We're lucky, we have a good credit rating and could potentially organise a mortgage-holiday.  Other people, however, may be renting, so do not have that option.  Or if it's a private landlord, they may be relying on that income in order to pay their own bills.  Unfortunately, I do not have confidence in our government (well, the prime minister at least) to have though of all these nuances, implications, and more that hasn't brushed past my mind.

Personally, my girls have dance exams in the next couple of weeks, and I wouldn't want them postponed, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.  I do feel for students who are doing GCSEs, A-Levels, and University Finals this summer.  It's a stressful enough time anyway, without worrying about what-ifs and maybes. We haven't booked a holiday this year yet, so have no concerns about that being cancelled, but we have booked various day trips and overnight stays for various reasons that can all be impacted.

I've run out of steam for this topic right now, and I haven't even had a rant about overt and more subtle racism due to the virus.  Last night a friend and I had a delicious meal at a Thai restaurant, and we were the only 2 people there. All night.  I asked the lady working there if it was always this quiet on a Thursday evening, wondering if it was just because it's a weekday, but no.  They are quieter on a weeknight, but they have been near-dead all week.  It's crazy. Anyway, I will stop now (and probably remember the rest of what I wanted to write later when I'm away from my laptop).

Just remember to not panic, be hygienic, and think of others.

From BBC Health

Monday, 9 March 2020

Weekly Update Y2w10

Yeah, let's not talk about this week...
I am eating much more fruit and vegetables than normal, but I feel like I'm not losing weight anymore. I have had 2 nights where I haven't listened to the hypnotherapy app.  I find when I listen to it, I wake up when it goes off, yet when I have it on continuous loop, I don't feel refreshed in the morning.  Last night I didn't have it on at all, and I had a crazy nightmare*.  At least if I listen to it, it keeps the nightmares at bay.

I had a look at a longer term average (2 weeks) and that clearly shows that I'm not losing weight at all.  I go up and down a lot, but overall, I'm the same weight I always am.

We have finally finished painting the kitchen, so hopefully we can put the shelves on the wall, and I can keep on top of cleaning and start cooking again, so can take back control of my weight.

*Last night's dream was weird.  My dreams often are, and though I don't usually consider weird dreams as nightmares, this one was a bit more gruesome than normal.
It started fairly normally.  I was waiting for my friend Sarah to come visit.  She was coming to me, by train, then we were going to catch a train somewhere together.  She was due to arrive in 15min, but I was still in bed.  Then she wanted me to pick her up at the station.  We were on the train together, then we ended up in an Indiana Jones-esque land.  There were loads of women all dressed in white togas tied to the side of a cliff.  Then, when the king or his kids got bored, they would catapult one woman to the top of the cliff/aiming at the other women.  Whoever she hit, would explode and there would be random limbs thrown all over the place.  The dream went on, but it was very vivid, so I still feel tired now

Thursday, 5 March 2020

First Lego League Junior - BoomTown Challenge

A group of HErs, including DD2, set up a Lego robotics team, in order to enter the First Lego League Junior.  In my area, there has been success with HErs entering FLL in previous years, sometimes not only winning regional heats, but national and internationally too!  This was the first time (that I know of) that a local HE group entered the Junior league.

The group was made up of six children between 6-9years old, and we met fortnightly for 2 hours from September/October to February.  For their age group, they were taking part in the Boomtown Build Challenge - designing and building a building from lego, incorporating a part that uses robotics and is programmable.  Most weeks, they were guided by a workbook which took the children through exercises looking at different parts of designing a building:

  • What will the building be used for? 
  • Who will be using it? Is it accessible?
  • Is it strong? Is it stable?
  • Is it environmentally friendly? etc
And there were small programmable mechanical/robotic structures to build such as a crane, an elevator, an automatic door, a fan etc.  Near the end of the weeks, the children had to decide upon a final building with which to enter the competition, build it, do posters to display and write a presentation for the judges.  They had lots of ideas, but rather than the oldest/bossiest/loudest child taking charge and demanding it all be done their way, they decided amongst themselves to use as many ideas as possible, and soon The Boom Eiffel was born!

One of the children particularly likes the Eiffel Tower, and as other children (incl DD2) have been there too, it was decided as a group that the design of our building would be based on the shape of the Eiffel Tower.

The base was made up of four separate rooms: pet shop, aquarium, cafe and souvenir shop.  In the build of the building was the elevator, to carry people up to the next floor.  The next floor consisted of a learning centre, where people of all ages can learn together, and a gym.  The next floor up was open to the air as it was a rooftop garden, and finally the very top floor was a cafe, serving produce from the garden, with a balcony so people could look out over Boomtown.  On the roof of the cafe was a wind turbine, some solar panels and a lightning rod.

Each child then created a poster to be displayed, and had to write their own presentation.  As DD2 built the garden and is concerned about the environment, she focussed on that side of things, whilst others talked about how the building was accessible and who would be using it.  Unfortunately, as DD2 was busy competing in a dance festival on the day of the Expo, we recorded her presentation in advance, so it could be shown with the rest of the team.

On the day of the Expo, the children were nervous but had a great time.  They spoke with the judges and other competitors, and all the children were given matching Tshirts so they could feel like a team.  And we are very proud to say that they won the prize for Complexity and Design!

The kids are doing their presentation again next week, at a local science fair during British Science Week, but they met up earlier this week to congratulate each other and to give DD2 her medal.

I was proud of myself for making a lego cake to share, lol. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

The Blade Heir by Daniel Adorno

I bought this book (for free, obvs, lol) a while ago but thought it sounded interesting by the title.  Now I have my new kindle and can sort books into 'read' and 'unread' I'm now choosing new books to read based on alphabetical order of the author plus whether the title sounds like it'll be good.

The blurb says:
The Dragons Have Awakened...

Lucius suffers each night from recurring nightmares of a black dragon called Kraegyn. The frightening dreams signal the return of the dragon tribes that wreaked havoc on the peoples of Azuleah centuries ago. Confused and uncertain of his role in the gathering storm, Lucius joins his elf brother Siegfried on a perilous journey to reforge the Requiem Sword--the blade which once defeated Kraegyn.

Lucius' quest will take him through the kingdom of elves, dwarves, and faeries. Though he will gain allies on his quest and uncover secrets surrounding his past, can Lucius survive long enough to stop Kraegyn's ascension?

The Blade Heir is Daniel Adorno's debut novel and is an epic fantasy tale modeled after the works of C.S. Lewis, Stephen R. Lawhead, and Michael J. Sullivan.

Lucius is a human who lives with his adopted elf-family amongst the elves.  He soon discovers that the fate of humankind rests with him, and he needs to go on a quest accompanied by his elf-brother.  Along the way he meets various allies and enemies, and learns more and more about Yesu and the divisions between humans, elves, dwarves, faeries, as well as the Draknoir and their evil leader.

I really liked this book.  It is easy to read and has much more going on than I was initially expecting, especially as this is Daniel's debut novel.  Having read some of the other authors listed in the blurb, I can definitely see the influences they ave had, and that makes me want to read the story more.  In a fantasy world full of magic and mythical creatures, I am intrigued to see how the story develops, and how the various strands fit together.  And, ultimately, whether what I expect/hope will happen (in regards to various scrolls and prophesies within the story) will actually happen.

Rather than just adding the sequel to my wishlist, I have actually bought it immediately so I can keep reading Lucius' story.