Tuesday 27 April 2021

Weekly Update

My weight this morning was 93.1kg.  I have still been recording my weight, even when I haven't been posting here, and it has been bobbling around the 92-94kilo mark for weeks.  That probably explains some of my apathy for posting updates here, and the fact I've genuinely been really busy.

Recently on TV I watched Strong on Netflix and that inspired me to try focussing on fitness and strength rather than weight.  Then I watched Series 1 of The Biggest Loser (Australia) and I am lighter than all the women (and men, for that matter) at the start of the show, but they quickly dropped weight.  Now, I am not going to be spending 8+ hours each day training, but it has inspired me to start a new exercise routine.  I have even taken some new 'before' pics, but I won't share them (until I see a difference, lol).

I started last week, and aim to do an hour on a Monday and on a Friday.  So far, I have done my 3 sessions in my back garden!  Today I have woken up with an ache in my triceps and in my gluts, so I'm definitely doing something!  I don't know if it will translate into weight loss (especially as I'm not going to go on a strict diet) but it's a start, and I'll hopefully be fitter and healthier.  

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