It follows the story of Mitzy, an estate agent (or realtor in American, lol) who is trying to keep her business afloat and start the local economy moving again by helping people manage their money on a local radio show after the 2007 economic crash. Meanwhile, she gets entangled in a mystery surrounding a house that has been foreclosed, but the previous owner is illegally selling off fittings and fixtures, and some jewellery that has been stolen from the museum her sister-in-law works at.
The blurb says:
Mitzy Neuhaus is the top selling Realtor in Portland, but even her office is dead in this economy. Foreclosed is the word no homeowner wants to hear and Mitzy is determined to save the incredible mansion on her street from that fate. But with the homeowner desperate to keep Mitzy away from his property and Alonzo, the dangerously hot rival investor trying to snatch it out from under her, Mitzy knows she has to work fast, or the economy won’t be the only thing dead…It is a cozy mystery, so whilst it keeps you on the edge of your seat, there is no great violence nor horrifically gory scenes. The author manages to keep you intrigued in the story, as the various twists and turns develop. I will say, though, that because it is subtitled "A Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery" I was expecting Mitzy to be an amateur detective solving the mystery, rather than getting embroiled in it herself.
Enjoyable, light reading.