Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Homeschooling: Protecting Freedom, Protecting Children

I was invited by a friend to watch this webinar, and here are my notes from the session.

At the time of watching, I wasn’t sure whether the video would be available afterwards, so I wrote detailed notes about what each of the participants were saying. I have tried to make this easier to read by removing my short-hand, and I have added in various links etc that will add more information, but I apologise in advance if I have missed anything.
I have not added my thoughts and feelings to this - this is just the raw overview of the discussion.

[Edit: Here is my post with my own thoughts/reaction]

To clarify – these are my notes/paraphrasing, not direct quotes.  

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues.”

Each panellist has 7 min for their prepared monologue, then following by Q&A session.

Neal McCluskey is also the host – director of Cato Centre for EducationalFreedom.
Looking along libertarian lines – people who are able to look after themselves should be able to without government involvement as long as there’s nor force or fraud involved.
There is an assumption that children are not able to self govern, so the question is who should make those decisions – parents or state? The phrase “parents have the right...” is concerning because nobody has the right to make decisions for others. However, parents have a duty to make those decisions such that they are enabling and equipping those children to become self governing adults. The role of the government should be restrained. Government is there to protect freedom, therefore the state should only get involved if the children have had harm inflicted on them.
Obviously physical abuse and neglect are examples, and legitimate concern.
Standard judicial procedure: Suspicion, investigation and trial – should be assumed innocent until proven guilty. May be reasonable to have annual visit.
Government is a unique threat to educational freedom as they impose orthodoxy on everyone which is antithetical to liberty. So what is the role of the government? Governments should only intervene if children don’t have the basic building blocks (reading, writing and simple maths) however, other subjects and topics are only matter of opinion, so government should not be involved, especially when they say there are some things that should not be taught. There may be compromise as children are not equipped to advocate for themselves. Ultimately, government control is dangerous, but since children cannot advocate for themselves, there needs to be some compromise.

John Holt 1977 concerned about state involvement. 36 states had a variety of implied or explicit home schooling legislation. In many states, Homeschooling is regulated like private schools, which means there is wide ranging regulation.
In the 1980s, the majority of homeschoolers were fundamentalist religionists/Christians so there became a battle from the courts to states legislators. Through legislation, grass roots Homeschoolers showed their force to keep pressure on until they got what they wanted. By 1990s Homeschooling was much easier to do. Legislation in states varies, ranging from only needing to deregister from school, to minimum qualifications upon leaving school, and to imposing full curriculum.
Overall Homeschooling is mostly unregulated in the US; this has made it possible for criminals to use homeschooling to hide abuse. There are no specific records, only anecdotes. The Home schooling and Invisible Children website has details of horrific cases- needs to balance these cases whilst ensuring Homeschoolers maintain their freedom.

Homeschoolers are understandably upset and angry about Elizabeth Bartholet’s article that came out early in 2020. Fundamental Question: should the government intervene in family life if there is no evidence of wrong doing? Should families be under close watch? Presumption of guilty.
Barthelot’s arguments:
Ideological - A very large proportion of Homeschooling parents are purposely isolating their children
Academic - Homeschooled kids are 2-3 more likely to visit library and 1.5x more likely to visit school or book store
If the government can’t guarantee standards for kids in school, how can they do the same for Homeschoolers?
Welfare – Homeschooling parents are no more likely to abuse children, some say less likely. Ignoring abuse by educators and peers in education institutions
1/10 children in school will be sexually abused by educators in school

We may not agree with people’s choice to educate their own children, but should not allow government force and state violence against children

Instead of presumptive bans, we should be celebrating freedom.

Children should be seen as having rights equal to adult rights. Children don’t have power to protect themselves so it’s important the government be there as protector for children and be able to intervene to protect fundamental rights:
-protection against abuse and neglect
-right to education
Need to think about the children’s right to positive interaction from government/
Most countries in the world have written into their constitutions children’s rights

2 major concerns of current unregulated state, that there is no meaningful regulation of
-protection against abuse and neglect
-right to education

I never said I was for a total ban and I don’t think a presumptive ban isn’t what Kerry described.
As a general matter, masses of Homeschooling parents are doing a great job, and most don’t abuse, however my concern is with a subset of those Homeschooled children.
We don’t have laws because all children are abused, but because a subset are. Similarly, there needs to be regulation for Homeschooled children. There are a couple of studies that show a worrisome correlation between Homeschooling and abuse. More generally Homeschoolers “very often” raise their children up in significant isolation. Isolation is a risk.
What protects children? If we built in mandated reporters who come into regular contact with children. Kids in state schools get this minimum check, so Homeschooled kids need it too. Before you’re allowed to Homeschool there should be a check with CPS to see if family have a record or check of abuse and neglect.
Important there be contact beyond that that homeschooling families aught to see people other than their families, preferably in a public school. A once/year visit is not enough to protect children.
There needs to be minimum regulation to ensure children have minimum right to education, for employment, opportunities. There should be some check to ensure they are able to teach. There needs to be meaningful assessment by state on annual basis to check the children are learning. Finally, education needs to include exposure to views and values that are different to those of the parents. So when they become adults they have meaningful opportunity to choose different to their parents.


Q: Do we have reason to believe that having kids in public schools has a greater net gain than if parents can educate how they want?
Do we have reason to believe public schools are safer?
NM: evidence to suggest state schools are not doing well producing good citizens
EB: Agree public schools have lots of problems. Often will be the case Homeschoolers will do better case of educating and protecting their kids. They have the right to do that. However, there should be a burden on the parents to show their desire to educate their kids, ability to teach their children, and children should go to a public school for some courses, even if schools are failing, because it’s safer to see more people.
KM: The issue is that government schools are not safe for many children, and this is a highly regulated standardised system of schooling, with high surveillance, video cameras, metal detectors etc. and there are still plenty of children who are being abused at school . We cannot say that state schooling is protecting Homeschooled kids.
MG: Soooo many variables, basically there is not a lot of difference how Homeschoolers turn out compared to school kids turn out. There is not the data, but looking at everything overall, there is not much difference. It is important to not look at anecdotes. The outcomes of kids is much more based on the environment they come from at home – marital statues of parents, home wealth, parents interest in education etc.
EB: I’m going to differ with Milton’s conclusions, but I think we don’t know enough to think the outcomes are similar, because we don’t have big enough studies. The Homeschooled kids who do well, yes they are comparable to state schools, but doesn’t look at those that don’t do well. There is a subset that we need to worry about in an unregulated home schooling setting.

Q: What strategy do we have to help kids who are mistreated?
NM:I think innocent until proven guilty, but abuse is real.
KM: How to we help kids in both Homeschooling situation and in government school. There are child abuse laws in every state, and these should be enforced. CPS needs to be reformed so they can find abuse cases. Problem is that we are conflating abuse and Homeschooling. We should not be adding a layer of suspicion on a subset of people. This is true of abuse that happens in government schools. I’m not convinced more regulation will improve things for children.
MG: I see myself as a historian, but will step out of my role. Homeschooling is being used as a mechanism to abuse children, which is what I think some basic minimal contact that Neal suggested should be instated.
EB: As Milton said it’s obvious. There are examples of parents who have been reported for abuse who claim to be Homeschooling. There are some studies. In Connecticut, look at every child withdrawn within a period of time; 36% were to parents who had reports of abuse or neglect, so these children were at risk. Another study from paediatricians – small sample size of those who have experience horrific torture, 76% were Homeschooled kids. Obviously they kept at home knowing there won’t be witnesses and will get away with it.
KM: A large % of the small number cited by EB were already known to CPS, therefore shows a clear problem with CPS. Again, there should be issues with convicted parents, the courts should be putting restrictions on those parents, not on all parents.

Q: Founding fathers’ education was much less than standard schooling, so why do you think Homeschooling isn’t wide ranging enough to produce well thought out/rounded citizens as adults?

EB: Homeschooling has interesting origins, major strain in early years was John Holt’s books, and made me seek out schools that enabled creative learning. There is no research to say one way or another about whether Homeschoolers are capable citizens. Studies by Homeschoolers only show the subset of successful Homeschooled kids, not the subset that I’m worried about. Absence of meaningful research means we can’t know the whole Homeschooled population, and therefore can’t study them all. We only know about the successful ones, that parents are willing to share about.
KM: Homeschoolers disentangle education from schooling and become immersed in the people, places and things of their community. I disagree with EB that many Homeschoolers are isolated, especially in 2020 when Homeschoolers are economically and ideologically diverse and are immersed in their communities. Albert Chang at University of Arkansas shows Homeschoolers are more politically tolerant than students at state or public schools.
MG: One of the major themes of my book is that Homeschooling is very different today to that of founding fathers. Modern Homeschooling is reaction against state schooling. Previously people Homeschooled in order to open up options to their children, so was very common, but getting less common in the 20th Century, and becoming more common from the 1970s. Whilst EB’s point that research isn’t population wide is true, there are some random sample surveys that have proven statistically to represent the wider population. Homeschooling is not going to make you more or less civic, it’s to do with the parents.

NM: I suggested one way to make sure no kids go through the cracks, there should be a standardised test on read, writing, arithmetic, but standard testing is problematic as it encourages state-based curriculum. Is there a way to test without forcing this curriculum?

KM: whose standard? Parents often choose Homeschooling because they are worried about state schooling, because they do not like standardised testing. Much of the growth in Homeschooling is from urban, secular parents who want a different education for their children. Average age for reading is about 8yos in the homeschooling population, which is higher than in government schools, but still the same outcome. Also, some parents of children with SEN, so I’d worry about how standard testing would impact those children. Whose standard?
MG: Yes, I agree with KM. If the parent has academic competence, then the parents should have as much freedom as possible. As long as the parent has GED, that’s fine, but there shouldn't be a fixed curriculum or standardised testing. Maybe a one time test age 13, but there should be much freedom.
EB: I disagree with both previous speakers. Should children have total control? There should be a balance. Parents have some control, but state should have a say to ensure the children have a future and grow up to have a positive influence in their future. It makes sense for the state to say that by the child is 18 there is a minimum knowledge of writing, reading, maths, science etc. The tests are more meaningful for kids, than requiring credentials for parents. There should be annual tests. Do you wan 100% control for parents, or would kids be better off if there’s a balance between state and parents control?

Should people who go to public schools be mandated to go to a religious school or other schooling? If we’re looking at widening education, shouldn’t all students have opportunities to new ideas?
MG: I don’t have a say. I like the idea, but this is more something to do on your own, rather than it being state mandated.
EB: public schools should def teach in the school context diversity, religion, non-discriminatory attitudes etc. It doesn’t make sense for me to say these kids should then go to a different school. These kids then go home, so will be exposed to values from parents and community so I don’t agree these kids are missing out on alternative vies.
NM: If public schools must by law be non-religious, how to children then get experience and exposure to a religion?
EB: At home. Parents at home are free to bring their kids up to church and religious classes if they want. Schools shouldn’t teach that.
KM: I agree with Milton that we can’t mandate this and require exposure to all different viewpoints. It’s peculiar that EB singles out Homeschoolers for this, but not for private schools. It seems to me that this is an important issue as MG says Private education is as unregulated as Homeschooling.

Q: If Homeschoolers should have irregular drop ins, why are families trusted in the summer or before the child is school age?
KM: This discussion about regular home visits of government authorities with no evidence, has received the most criticism from the article.
EB: I definitely have fears for kids in the 0-5 age range that they won’t be seen. In Europe home visitation is considered the normal. Do I think there should be more such programs? Absolutely. Going to school is a huge protection for children from abuse and neglect.
MG: Part of what is at stake is that the history of Homeschooling is the adversarial relationship between Homeschoolers and the government. We need to move beyond that and realise we are the gov. What about having 2 people ‘named people’ being your eyes and submitting that they’ve been seen as part of your Homeschooling paperwork?

Q: If state has been shown to not provide a good education, why should Homeschooling parents hand their children to the state?
MG: I won’t grant the premise of the question – research shows public schools do better than many private schools.
NM: That study is debatable, as is all research.
KM: That’ right. My recommendation is to keep this at the legislative/state level, rather than moving to federal courts. This is a local issue and should be decided at the state level.
EB: I agree with Milton that state schools do a good job. I would also say parents haven’t “proved” they’re doing a good job all the time – we know some parents don’t, some can’t be trusted not to abuse, neglect or exploit their children. It’s a balance. What HSLDA is demanding is parent power. They want parents to have total right over their children. Neither parents nor state are perfect. There needs to be a balance. The state needs to have the right to exert the rights of the children.

NM: Really interesting discussion. Sorry we couldn’t get to all questions. I hope we covered most of the topics. Thanks to the panellists. Everyone here wants to get to what is best for the children and for the society.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Weekly Update Y2w24

This week has been another good one!  I hit yet another lowest weight (by 200grams - but it still counts!) and though my weight has got a slight up-tick at the moment, I am eating more vegetables and am confident it will come back down again soon.  

Yesterday I made this delicious lunch that was a mix of a recipe from the 2B Mindset and one I found online.  It was really quick and easy too.  Unfortunately, it didn't occur to me at the time to take a picture, so you'll just have to imagine the steaming yumminess.  Additionally, I would have thought it fairly easy for it to be adapted to vegetarian or vegan and still be scrumptious.

Ingredients (a lunch for 2, easily doubled)
1 large aubergine
Sea Salt
Tin chopped tomatoes
Onion and Garlic - I didn't have any, so used onion salt and garlic powder instead
Italian Herbs
Fresh Basil
Sliced Ham
Mascapone Cheese
Baby Spinach
Grated/crumbled Cheese (eg Cheddar or Feta or Ricotta, anything really)

Slice the aubergine thinly lengthwise.  Place on a baking sheet and sprinkle with sea salt.
Bake for 10min at 180C until softened.
Meanwhile, gently fry the fresh onion and garlic (if using) in a saucepan. Add the tin tomatoes, (powdered garlic and onion), Italian Herbs and Fresh Basil, and simmer gently until the aubergine is cooked.
Put half the tomato mixture into a glass ovenproof dish.
On top of each slice of aubergine, lay a slice of ham (cut to shape), mascapone and spinach.  Roll into a spiral and place in the tomato mixture.  Repeat until all the aubergine is rolled and in the dish.
Put the rest of the tomato mixture on top of the aubergine rolls and sprinkle with the cheese.
Bake for 10-20minutes until the cheese has melted/browned to your liking.

Friday, 12 June 2020

The Grandfather Clock by Jonathan Kile

The Grandfather Clock was my K in my reading of books chosen alphabetically by order.  I only had the cover to go by and was hoping this would be a scifi, time travelling mystery of a novel - but it wasn't. 
Instead, it's about Michael Chance who finally breaks up with a fiancee that is no good for him, and decides to seize the day.  This starts with him travelling to the other side of America to pick up the grandfather clock - a family heirloom - and drive back home.  On the way, after some soul searching, he makes some life choices that result in him flying around the world, meeting a French woman, and trying to find out how an artefact that was stolen by the Nazis could end up in his possession.

The blurb says:
Transporting a family heirloom across the country seemed like an easy task for disillusioned Michael Chance. But before he can cross the Mississippi, the secrets of his family’s grandfather clock and a mysterious French woman put him on an uncertain path. The life Michael knew is about to be left behind as he searches for answers amid a dangerous conspiracy that will lead him from the museums of Paris to Nazi havens in Argentina.
Now, the story itself is quite good.  It was gripping, and though it went speedily in places (whoosh and months had gone by), it was well written and enjoyable.  I confess to not knowing my history, but I can imagine the author has done his research in this area, so it would be particularly exciting for those who have an interest in this area.

My one complaint, however, is so big that I'm surprised nobody mentioned it to him before he published the book - my issue is with the title.  The Grandfather Clock is barely mentioned, and ultimately not that important.  Yes, at the end of the book, the author tries to tie it all up together, but it felt very forced.  Without giving away any spoliers, I would prefer it if the book were titled "The Heirloom" or similar, as then people reading would assume the author was inferring the clock, until they encounter the true subject of the book.