The blurb says:
Jo Ravens is thirty-two, divorced, and stuck in a rut. She wants two things in life - a new career as a private investigator and to lose the sixty pounds she packed on after her divorce.
When she crashes her nephew's bike in a construction site, she lands on a girl with a large knife in her chest. Jo enlists her sister Pepper and journalist friend Jackie to help solve the girl's murder. Things become creepy for Jo when the girl appears to her in dreams and offers unusual clues to her death.
Murder Under Construction is a humorous mystery with Jo's family adding to the antics of the three women. Mama caterwauls, Jackie's two children offer sleuthing assistance, and her brother Hank laughs at all of them from the sidelines.
This cozy mystery was an enjoyable romp. The book does allude to previous murders that Jo has solved, but unlike some books, the author does go on and explain what happened, so you feel confident that this is the first of the series. As well as the dead girl appearing in Jo's dreams (which doesn't get explained, so I don't know if that'll be a recurrence in future books?), there are romantic interests for Jo and comical situations she finds herself in.
I did enjoy this book. If I wasn't trying to read all the books I currently have, I would buy the next one in the series, however I have opted for adding the next book on to my wishlist.