Showing posts with label Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipe. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Egg Fried Rice Recipe

A great side dish, or dinner, that is fast, easy to prepare and delicious, is egg fried cauli rice.

I have to be honest - I'm not a big cauliflower fan.  I used to only eat it smothered in cheese sauce.
However, I am a huge fan of cauli rice.  Simply take your head of cauliflower, wash it and blitz in a food processor to make "rice".  Then put in a microwaveable bowl, cover with cling film, and microwave for a couple of minutes.  Or, as I did today, use ready prepared cauli rice, which can be bought in the UK either fresh or frozen.  I keep frozen cauli rice in my freezer, so that I can make this delicious meal.  It took me less than 5minutes for my lunch today.


Cauli rice
Spring Onions
1 kcal Spray Oil
2 Eggs
Light Soy Sauce


Lightly fry the onion in a couple of sprays of oil. 
Add 2 eggs and stir so they scramble slightly.
Just before the egg sets, add the cauli rice and stir until cooked/heated through.
Add Soy Sauce to taste.

Variations include using Sesame Oil, Garlic, Ginger and some frozen peas for the Chinese taste.  Or, garlic, ginger, white onion, turmeric, cardamom pods, fresh coriander leaves, for an Indian taste.   Or, mixed nuts, dried fruit, chopped apricots and spices for a Moroccan flavour.  Or even eat the cooked cauli rice cold with fresh pineapple, chopped peppers, halved cherry tomatoes and chopped cucumber for a summery salad.  It is entirely up to you.

Now, you may be wondering "How much Cauli Rice?" and "How many Spring Onions?"
The beauty of the 2BMindset is that it is entirely up to you!  My lunch today was made from 1 portion of frozen cauli rice and 4 spring onions, and I feel happy and satisfied. But I have made it previously with 2 portions of cauli rice, and that is enough to fill even my large stomach!
Just remember that this is a good healthy plate of veggies with protein, so will fill you up for longer and keep you full.

This recipe, and more, can be found in the Recipe book provided if you decide to buy the 2B Mindset from